signal jammer|2W Jammer to Antennas with block Wireless VideoWiFi & signals reukhlmc.

Product Description
   The name of the product that you are viewing is 2W Jammer with Antennas to block Wireless Video,WiFi & Bluetooth  signals, which is designed to block the signals of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, wireless audio and video signal and prevent the videotaping signal band.
   Besides this jammer device owns high quality, for example it applies the alloy wire drawing shell and the surface of the shell uses the most advanced international secondary oxidation treatment. And since the total transmit power is 2W , this jammer is a low power consumption jammer. And it is environmental friendly and will do no harm to human’s body.
   Apart from the above merits such a jammer owns wide application areas. It can be used in places like the conference room, auditoriums, law court, library, exam room, school, cinema, theater, hospital and so many other places where needs quiet environment. Besides in places where the Wifi,  Blue Tooth,  wireless video is prohibited such as government, military, finance, security, police ,command center and many other important places, this jammer device can also be used.
If you are looking for a WIFI, blue tooth, and wireless video jammer, this one can be a good choice. Just come here and add one to your cart, then you will get it at the best price.
Affected Frequency Ranges:
- WiFi / Bluetooth: 2400-2500MHz
-Wireless video: 1200-1300MHz
Single output power:+25dBm /800mW
Total output power: 2W
Power Source:AC adapt(AC110V-240V  DC5V)
Antenna: 2pcs(Please fix the antenna follow the mark in the unit)
Jamming range: Radius1-20M(the Cellular signal must ?-85dBm in the location) ,The jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area
Safety regulation:AC Adapter UL (E190582) ,CSA (LR112971 Level 3)
Weight: 800g 
Temperature:-40 to +55?
Relative humility:?90%(RH)
Air pressure:86~106kPa
AC adaptor

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