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  • 2017 Strong Portable PRO with Fan drncsiJmt_Gehirkblz 50% discount

tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

Strong Portable PRO

All cell jammers heat up with use - now you can keep yours cool, with a built in fan.  This redesigned version of our popular portable model features a built in fan for cooling and ventilation, upgraded durable rubber antennas, and independent switching of each bandwidth on / off.

Pictured also with optional vented leather cover.

Charging on the go is easy with the included car charger.



Range: Up to 25 Meters

Output Power: 2W

Dimensions: 11x6x3cm (LxWxD)

Note: This unit covers everything except 4G. If your application requires 4G coverage, please see our 4G compact .


The Signal Jammer Service

  • FREE Shipping
  • Rock Bottom Pricing
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • PCI Certified SAFE and Secure Checkout
  • Full HTTPS on Our Entire Website for Your Protection

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