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Play 7.4V Rechargeable Lithium Cellular for Phone Jammer fhsvdlvlzQwdsrexzG 50% discount.

  • Product Description
       The product you are viewing is the 7.4V Rechargeable Lithium Battery for Cellular Phone Jammer, which is designed for Desktop Cellular Phone Jammer . The battery capacity of it is 9A, and it owns a 7.4V voltage. Besides such kind of battery is rechargeable, so it can be used more than once, which is both economical and useful.
       If you want to buy one for your device, just come here and contact us, add one to your chart. Then the high quality product will belong to you at a reasonable price.
    Battery Capacity:9A
    Battery Voltage:7.4V
    Battery type:Rechargeable Lithium Battery
    Battery for High Power Desktop Cellular Phone Jammer


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