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  Storejammer orders are accepted around the clock. Good shopping you

50m radius WIFI cellphone Jammer owns 15W output power (Code: JB-349 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $276.55 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $270.90 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $259.62 / pcs.

Product Description
   The product that you are viewing is the named the  50m radius WIFI cellphone Jammer owns 15W output power . And just seen from its name we can know that it owns the ability of blocking the signals of cell phone, WIFI 3G and UHF.
   Wanting to know more details of the affected frequency ranges of this device? Here you can get the detail information. This jammer device can block the signals of GSM 790 MHz-825 MHz, GSM 925-960 MHz, -DCS/PCS 1805-1990MHz, UHF 400MHz-470MHz, 3G 2110-2170MHz and WiFi2.4G 2400MHz-2485MHz . And since owning 15 Watt total output power, the jamming range of this device owns a widely range from 2 to 50 meters depending on the signals in the given area.
   Owning such widely affected frequency ranges, don’t you think this is really an excellent device? And if you are looking for one, just come here, and seize the chance of adding one to your cart.
Affected Frequency Ranges:
-GSM 790MHz-825 MHz 
-GSM 925-960 MHz
-DCS/PCS 1805-1990MHz
-3G 2110-2170MHz
-WiFi2.4G 2400MHz-2485MHz
-UHF 400MHz-470MHz
Total Output power: 15 Watt
Power supply: AC adapter (AC220V-DC12V) 
Shielding Radius : (2-50) meters@-75dBm (depend on the signal strength in given area.)
Weight: 2.5KG/PCS 
Jammer x 1
AC adaptor x 1
Car adaptor x 1
Antennas x 6

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