Wholesales Ajustable WIFI Jammers for SaleDesktop cell phone/GPS/UHF/VHF Jamming ahzhmddrmu hot sales.

  • Wholesales Ajustable WIFI Jammers for SaleDesktop cell phone/GPS/UHF/VHF Jamming ahzhmddrmu hot sales

Product Description:

The 6 bands adjustable jammer can block 6 different frequencies at the same time.With the radius up to 50 meters it can be used in the church,court,prison,home,museum and school examination room,etc to jam the cell phone,WIFI,VHF,UHF ,GPS signals( it depend on what you choose) to keep silence, protect the privacy and avoid cheating.The product has built-in cooling fan against overheating with which it can work for a long time.


Powerful output

Widest frequency range with 6 bands

Large jamming radius up to 50 meters

Can work for a long time continuously with built-in cooling fan


Frequencies Supported:

CDMA (870-880MHz)

GSM (930-960MHz)

DCS/PHS (1805-1918MHz)


3G/4G (2010-2145MHz)

315 MHz or 433 MHz

VHF (135-174 MHz) 

UHF (400-470MHz)

GPS (1570-1580MHz) 

WIFI 2.4G (2400-2500MHz)

Please note that the jammer is only available to jam up to 6 defferent frequencies mentioned above at the same time.

Working Radius: 2-50 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)

Power Supply: AC power adapter

Dimensions Of Device: 140x50x305mm

Weight Of Product: 2.7kg

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