2016 High-Quality Cell Phone Jammer bYexmammvcnGsPJ_wfis for sale.

This jammer can be install in the car. So in this way you can completely concentrate on your driving and do not worry about any interferences from you mobile phone. Keep yourelf save and the same the others.

RF Frequency 1 : 850-894MHz; 925-960MHz;1805-1990MHz;2100-2170MHz

RF Frequency 2 : 850-960MHz,1805-1990MHz,2100-2170MHz; GPS(1500-1600MHz)

RF Frequency 3 : 850-960MHz,1805-1990MHz,2100-2170MHz; WiFi(2400-2500MHz)

Weight :3KG/PCS

 Shielding Radius : 10- 30 meters (Signal ≤-75dBm) 

Total Output power :10W

Power supply : AC adapter (AC100-240V DC12V)

Dimension : 220 x 52 x 140 mm

Packaging : Neutral Gift Box/1pcs

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