
Product Description

The High Power Adjustable Desktop Mobile Phone + WiFi Signal Jammer with Remote Control included all of hot functions; consist of GSM, 3G mobile phone block and Wi-Fi block. It could help you blocking GSM and 3G cell phone signals and cut off Wi-Fi connection in defined working area, avoid leak out security data.

With the remote control, you can turn the blocker ON and OFF at any time. The adjustable band can control partial and selective frequency jamming of any mobile phone signals. The mobile phone and Wi-Fi can block separately. It can disable cell phone signals with a jamming radius for up to 40 meters depending on local signal strength. An AC/DC adapter is easy to use indoors. It can work for 24/7.

It's perfect for those noisy locations to keep you free from disturbance like in recording studios, hospitals, schools and churches. You choose what you want and it brings you tremendous effects. Still pondering? Choose a private space for yourself;choose the mobile phone, Wi-Fi jammer!

At a Glance

  • With remote control to turn on/off the jammer.
  • Adjustable output power,each band can be controlled separately and simulatneously.
  • Working time: May continue to work 24/ 7
  • External Omni directional Antennas
  • All the TX frequency covered down link only


The frequency of this device is compatible for European frequency (900/1800MHz), pls. be noted, thanks !


  • RF Frequency :
    • -WiFi (2400-2500MHz)
    • -GSM900(925-960MHz)
    • -GSM1800 (1805-1880MHz)
    • -3G (2100-2170MHz)
  • Total Power:10watt
  • Power Supply:AC 110-240V / DC 5V
  • Shielding Radius: Up to 40 meters (signal strength <= -75dbm, depends on the signal strength in the given area)
  • Weight:2.8KG
  • Size:200(L)*165(W)*60(H)mm
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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