tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

All in One 4G

Our newest product is the All in One 4G .  The TSJ-AllInOne-4G blocks 5 bands, including 4G.

This is a powerful, dependable blocker that can operate full time and does not require a cool down period, and has more power, stability, and flexibility than its predecessor, making the All in One 4G an all around winner for our fixed 4G jammer category and comparable to our TSJ-4G-2061 .

Adjustable setting dials directly on the unit allow for modification of the coverage area from zero to full power, independently on each channel.

Our worry free one year warranty means you can trust that you're getting a quality mobile phone jammer device that we'll stand behind.

The following are blocked:



Average Maximum Coverage Area : 50 Meters ( depending upon local area signal strength)


*Actual frequencies may vary slightly in different regions. Units are optimally tuned according to delivery destination.

Custom tuning available.

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